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Happy National Bird Day

Posted By Ashleigh Bethea on Jan 5, 2016 | 0 comments


A couple of beautiful and energetic hummingbirds

What is National Bird Day?

National Bird Day is a time to think about birds, their beauty, how they live, what they need, and how we treat them. Not only is this a day for celebration, but it’s also a time to raise awareness of the plights faced by common and rare birds all around the world.

Unfortunately, many of the world’s songbirds and parrots are being threatened with extinction because of illegal pet trade, disease and habitat loss. Birds are being bred for captivity, and their owners aren’t properly equipped to care for them. Despite their being sold in pet stores, birds are wild animals. They cannot be domesticated, and they should be left in the wild. Not only are we holding birds captive, but we’re taking their natural homes. Cutting down entire forests leaves some birds with no place to go, leaving them open to predators and disease.

For these reasons, a good portion—nearly twelve percent—of the world’s bird population could face extinction within the next century. This may not seem like a large percentage, but it will not go unnoticed. Birds are a huge part of our ecosystem. The health of the global bird population directly reflects the health of our larger ecosystem. So, when species of birds begin to dwindle, it implies a larger problem with the world around us.

How Can You Help?

Luckily, all of us can do a little to help the cause.  You could celebrate National Bird Day by adopting a bird that would otherwise be in a less than ideal environment. Or, simply share the news with other people! Raising awareness is one small step that could make a huge difference.

39705_2You can also hang a bird house in your garden, providing a safe place for a family of birds to nest. Keeping them safe from weather and predators is a great way to protect your feathered friends, but they need to eat too! So, hang a few bird feeders in your garden with tasty seeds, or sugar-rich water for the energetic hummingbirds! You can even plant a few shrubs that offer berries for them to feast on. They will definitely appreciate it, and will repay you with their sweet songs.

So, enjoy National Bird Day and celebrate the majestic beauty, happy songs and intriguing flight that have been a source of human inspiration for centuries.

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