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Wonderful Earthworms

Posted By Ashleigh Bethea on Apr 21, 2016 | 0 comments

Feeling a little unappreciated at work? Like maybe you do so much during a day, but no one recognizes how much you actually accomplish? Then maybe you know what it’s like to be an earthworm. It is high time we paid homage to these humble yet invaluable members of garden society.

Earthworms are a gardener’s greatest asset. Don’t believe me? Ask any horticulturist worth their salt and they will agree that worms make our little green world go round. Here’s why: Simply by existing and doing their thing in the dirt, worms increase the amount of air and water that finds its way into the soil. Their tiny tunnels act as irrigation systems that direct water toward plant roots while simultaneously funneling nutrients deeper into the soil. Worms also act as little mobile composters that break down organic matter into basic elements that plants can use.  Sounds cool right? But wait, it gets cooler. The best things about earthworms is … their poop. That’s right, worm leavings (called castings) are valuable fertilizer. They are also natural tillers. All that wiggling may seem useless above ground but it is vital part of turning the soil by pulling the top matter down and mixing it with what lies deeper.

If you stumble across any earthworms while digging in your garden – kudos! you’ve found a valuable friend indeed. Treat your new friend kindly by laying it gently back on the ground. If you don’t find any worms don’t despair, you can always go get some from a bait shop (or your neighbor’s yard, we won’t judge) and introduce them to your garden. Invite these squirmy friends into your yard and they will work silently and tirelessly to make your garden as beautiful as the cover of a Wayside magazine (Shameless plug? We don’t know what you’re talking about.)

Happy Gardening! 

Earthworm in soil - closeup shot (natural conditions)

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