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Keeping Deer out of your Garden

Posted By Maria Walker on Nov 1, 2019 | 0 comments

You’ve invested a lot of time, money, and energy in your garden, and the result is a gorgeous landscape you’re extremely proud of! Yet, you and your neighbors aren’t the only ones admiring your hard work; nighttime marauders are treating your prized plants like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Sound familiar? Time to flip the script on these devastating deer!

Well, there is a solution: Wayside’s deer-resistant plants and all-natural deterrents discourage grazing, with unpleasant tastes, smells or textures, leaving your garden intact and thriving despite after-hour visits from unwanted guests. The key is to keep changing your approach so the deer don’t get used to whatever technique you’re using at the time.

Here are some of our best tips for keeping deer out of your garden.

1. Grow Deer-Resistant Plants.

Basically, make your neighbor’s garden slightly more appealing than your own. Plant strongly perfumed flowers and strongly fragrant trees, things deer will find repulsive. If you’re careful, you can even sneak some of your favorite deer prone plants into the mix as long as you weave plenty of the undesirable plants with them to hide their tasty scent. You can find plenty of great options right here.

2. Use Repellents

Besides using physical fencing, scent is another effective barrier between these skittish creatures. We highly suggest using powerful yet natural chemical deterrents which will keep nosy nibblers at bay.  Aside from these effective formulas there are some other tried and true remedies for deer. For example, many local gardeners scatter their hair and their pets sheddings in the soil or among the foliage of their most vulnerable plants to add the scent of human and predators to deter Bambi and company

3. Build a Fence (or Grow One!)

Deer can jump really high, but don’t make it easy for them. 6 feet is a deterrent, and 8 feet is a solution. You can also grow your own organic fence using tall landscaping trees like Thuja or big prickly bushes like holly also make a great deterrent.

4. Lights, Alarms, and Sprinklers

If you want to explore more high tech solutions we suggest investing in some gadgets that could make your life a lot easier.  Motion sensors sprinklers, flashing light and loud sounds are all things that will disturb even the most bold deer. Use deer’s natural startle instinct against them and let your garden grow in peace.

5. Own a Dog.

Talking with the master gardeners and horticulturists on staff, the consensus is that a dog is the best deer repellent you can buy, especially if it is a big dog that mostly stays outside. But even the scent of a little dog in your yard will keep away most grazers.

There is no surefire way to keep deer away, they are resilient survivalists. However, using these tips will definitely help keep them out of your beloved garden!

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